About Patrik

Solution Architect, Unit Lead, Speaker and Consultant at Avanade

Patrik Löwendahl profile picture

I have been passionate for software and technology as long as I can remember. From the first lines of code as an 8-year old on the newly brought home VIC-20 to enterprise grade software on cloud platforms; this passion has followed me through my career.

This passion has taken me to the frontlines of Sweden’s software industry as a popular speaker, 6-time “Microsoft Most Valuable Professional”-awardee, member of Microsoft Extended Expert Team, ranked third in Computer Sweden’s prestigious list “100 best developers in Sweden” and several years as a thought leader in software development.

I am a firm believer in transforming that passion into craftsmanship to ensure that every solution I am involved in is delivered with as high quality as possible, as high business value as possible and with a high amount of innovation.

For me, software is passion.