Platform migrations – not really like a flock of sparrows.

Migrations. Moving from one place to another. For birds in the Nordics it is as simple as flying south for the winter. For the client I am currently flying to, the trip will be a little more complicated. In about Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Methodology | Tagged Domino, Migrations, Notes, SharePoint | 1 Reply

Enterprise Social: Technology is not the answer. This is the answer.

- “We need an internal Facebook” This is a very common statement in any organization today. They want to replicate the success of social collaboration giants like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is massive. Having people in an organization engaged in Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, People | Tagged SharePoint, Social Collaboration, Yammer | 1 Reply

Sometimes it is business that needs to understand development

There is always that guy. The business oriented guy, the guy who can’t understand why a few lines of code can take a whole day to produce. The guy who believes that pair-programming is the equivalents to “get one pay Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Methodology, People | Tagged argumentation, Business, People matters to, rethorics | 4 Replies

The benefits of minimizing the centralization of IT

One of the lesser known ideas and practices behind what has come to known as SOA was the physical organization of teams into service areas. The basic idea is that there shouldn’t be a centralized “IT-Department” that manages the systems Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Methodology | Tagged Business, Organizations, Service Area, SOA | 1 Reply

The dreaded “Save(Foo bar)”

For the last year or so my biggest antagonist has been “Save(Foo bar)”. There is usually a lot of things going wrong when that method turns up. I’m not saying that saving stuff to the persistence storage is a bad Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, design patterns | Tagged Architecture, design patterns | Leave a reply

Unity LifeTimeManager for WCF

I really love DI-frameworks. One reason is that it allows me to centralize life-time management of objects and services needed by others. Most frameworks have options to control the lifetime and allows objects to be created as Singletons, ThreadStatics, Transients Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, design patterns, WCF | Tagged Dependency Injection, Extensions, Unity | 7 Replies

Slice up your business logic using C# Extension methods to honor the context

One of my favorite features with C# 3.0 is the extension methods. An excellent way to apply some cross cutting concerns and great tool for attaching utility functions. Heavily used by the LINQ frameworks and in most utility classes I’ve Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, design patterns | Tagged C#, DDD, Patterns | 1 Reply

Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate, Part 2: Adding business rules.

This the second part of a series started in an earlier post; Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate  In my first post I showed you how to create a state machine, attach it to an entity and Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, ORM | Tagged NHibernate, Open - closed principle, State Machine, Strategy Pattern | 12 Replies

Architecture considerations: When do I benefit from services?

As a .NET developer it’s becoming increasingly tempting to create service layers for our application and utilize some of the strengths in Windows Communication Foundation in our solutions. With the power WCF brings to the table and all the messages Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, WCF | Tagged Architecture, Distributed Applications, WCF | Leave a reply

Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate

In my last post (An architecture dilemma: Workflow Foundation or a hand rolled state machine?) I talked about the discussion around an architectural choice. The conclusion of that discussion was to hand-roll a dynamic state machine. This post is the Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Code Design | Tagged design patterns, many-to-many, NHibernate, State Machine | 5 Replies