Performance differences between LINQ To SQL and NHibernate

In my current project one of the actions I’ve taken is to have the project and team move away from Linq To Sql to NHibernate. There was a multitude of issues that was the basis for this move, some of Continue reading

Posted in Data Access, ORM | Tagged Data Access, Linq To Sql, NHibernate, ORM, Performance | 4 Replies

Tracking a property value changes over time: Temporal property using NHibernate

A common problem that often needs to be solved is to answer a question like “how did my inventory look 1 month ago?”. Keeping this kind of history, and query over it, can be tedious and is something that need Continue reading

Posted in design patterns, ORM | Tagged design patterns, NHibernate | 7 Replies

Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate, Part 2: Adding business rules.

This the second part of a series started in an earlier post; Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate  In my first post I showed you how to create a state machine, attach it to an entity and Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, ORM | Tagged NHibernate, Open - closed principle, State Machine, Strategy Pattern | 12 Replies

Managing Parent/Child relationships with NHibernate (Inverse management)

When working with parent/child relationships in object models it is important to know what kind of Inverse Management your ORM technology have. Inverse management means handling all the relationships and keys shared between the parent and the child. This post Continue reading

Posted in Data Access, Methodology, ORM | Tagged Aggregate, Inverse Management, NHibernate, ORM, Parent / Child | 3 Replies

Creating a dynamic state machine with C# and NHibernate

In my last post (An architecture dilemma: Workflow Foundation or a hand rolled state machine?) I talked about the discussion around an architectural choice. The conclusion of that discussion was to hand-roll a dynamic state machine. This post is the Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Code Design | Tagged design patterns, many-to-many, NHibernate, State Machine | 5 Replies