Common Service Host for Windows Communication Foundation

After having to write new instance providers, host factories and service behaviors for almost every new WCF project; I decided to write a simple reusable component for WCF and dependency injection and put it on codeplex so that I never Continue reading

Posted in WCF | Tagged Architecture, Dependency Injection, WCF | 1 Reply

Architecture considerations: When do I benefit from services?

As a .NET developer it’s becoming increasingly tempting to create service layers for our application and utilize some of the strengths in Windows Communication Foundation in our solutions. With the power WCF brings to the table and all the messages Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, WCF | Tagged Architecture, Distributed Applications, WCF | Leave a reply

Is Windows Communication Foundation to complex?

Today at ALT.NET’s unconference we had a great discussion initialized by Alan Smith about the state of WCF and the complexity, if any, it imposes on developers. The thesis was that WCF was hard to learn for the “Average developer” Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, WCF | Tagged Conversation Patterns, Distributed Applications, WCF | 4 Replies