The pattern documented and named “Repository” is one of the most misunderstood and misused. In this post we’ll implement the pattern in C# to achieve this simple line of code:
var customers = customers.Matching(new PremiumCustomersFilter())
as well as discuss the origins of the pattern and the original definitions to clear out some of the misrepresentations.
The formal description
My first contact with the repository pattern was through the study of Domain Driven Design. In his book[DDD] (p. 147), Eric Evans simply states that;
Associations allow us to find an object based on it’s relationships to another. But we must have a starting point for a traversal to an ENTITY or VALUE in the middle of it’s life cycle.
My interpretation of the section on repositories is simple, the Domain do not care about where the objects are stored in the middle of it’s life cycle but we still need a place in our code to get (and often store) them.
In Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture[PoEAA] (p. 322), repositories is described as:
Mediates between the domain and the data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects.
Examining the both chapters; we’ll quickly come to understand that the original ideas of the repository is to honor and gain the benefits of Separations of Concerns and hide infrastructure plumbing.
With these principles and descriptions this simple rule emerges:
Repositories are the single point where we hand off and fetch objects. It is also the boundary where communication with the storage starts and ends.
A rule that should guide any and all attempts of following the Repository pattern.
There are several ways of implementing a repository. Some honor the original definitions more then others (and some are just blunt confusing). A classic implementation looks a lot like a DAL class:
public class CustomerRepository { public IEnumerableFindCustomersByCountry(string country) {…} }
Using this implementation strategy; the result is often several repository classes with a lot of methods and code duplicated across them. It misses the beauty and simplicity in the original definitions. Both [PoEAA] and [DDD] uses a form of the Specification Pattern (implemented as Query Object in PoEAA) and asks the repository for objects that matches that, instead of named methods.
In code this gives the effect of having several small classes instead of a couple of huge ones. Here is a typical example:
public IEnumerableMatches(IQuery query) { …. } var premiumCustomers = customers.Matches(new PremiumCustomersFilter())
The above code is a great improvement over the named methods strategy. But let’s take it a little further.
The Generic Repository
The key to a generic repository is to think about what can be shared across different entities and what needs to be separate. Usually the initialization of infrastructure and the commands to materialize is sharable while the queries are specific. Let’s create a simple implementation for Entity Framework:
public class Repository: IRepository where T : class { protected ObjectContext Context; protected ObjectSet QueryBase; public Repository(ObjectContext context) { Context = context; QueryBase = context.CreateObjectSet (); } public IEnumerable Matches(ICriteria criteria) { var query = criteria.BuildQueryFrom(QueryBase); return query.ToList(); } public void Save(T entity) { QueryBase.AddObject(entity); } }
Using Generics in the definition of the repository, allows us to reuse the basics while still allowing us to be specific using the criteria. In this naïve implementation there is not much that would be shared, but add things like logging, exception handling and validation and there is LoC to be saved here. Notice that the repository is executed and returns an IEnumerable
The query objects then implement the ICriteria
public class WarehousesWithReservableQuantitiesFor : ICriteria{ private readonly string _itemCode; private readonly int _minimumRemaingQuantity; public WarehousesWithReservableQuantitiesFor(string itemCode, int minimumRemaingQuantity) { _itemCode = itemCode; _minimumRemaingQuantity = minimumRemaingQuantity; } IQueryable ICriteria .BuildQueryFrom(ObjectSet queryBase) { return (from warehouse in queryBase from stock in warehouse.ItemsInStock where stock.Item.Code == _itemCode && (stock.Quantity - stock.ReservedQuantity) > _minimumRemaingQuantity select warehouse) .AsQueryable(); } }
There is a couple of things to notice here. First of all the interface is implemented explicit, this “hides” the method from any code that isn’t, and shouldn’t be, aware that there is the possibility to create a query here. Remember: …It is also the boundary where communication with the storage starts and ends….
Another thing to note is that it only handles the query creation, not the execution of it. That is still handled by the Generic repository. For me, using the above type of repository / query separation achieves several goals.
There is high reuse of the plumbing. We write it once and use it everywhere:
var customers = new Repository(); var warehouses = new Repository ();
This makes it fairly quick to start working with new entities or change plumbing strategies.
Usage creates clean code that clearly communicates intent:
var reservables = warehouses.Matching (new WarehousesWithReservableQtyFor(code, 100));
Several small classes with one specific purpose instead of a couple of huge classes with a loads of methods.
It might seem like a small difference. But the ability to focus on just the code for a single query in one page and the ease of navigating to queries (especially if you use R#’s Find type) makes this an enormous boost in maintainability.
The above example is based on Entity Framework, but I’ve successfully used the same kind of implementation with NHibernate and Linq To SQL as well.
Composing Critierias
By utilizing Decorators or similar composition patterns to build the criteria’s, it’s possible to compose queries for each scenario. Something like:
var premiumCustomers = customers.Matching( new PremiumCustomersFilter( new PagedResult(page, pageSize) );
var premiumCustomers = customers.Matching( new PremiumCustomersFilter(), new FromCountry("SE") );
The implementation of the above examples is outside the scope of this post and is left as an exercise to the reader for now.
Repositories and testing
In my experience there is little point of Unit testing a repository. It exists as a bridge to communicate with the store and therein lies it value. Trying to unit test a repository and/or it’s query often turns out to test how they use the infrastructure, which has little value.
That said, you might find it useful to ensure that logging and exception handling works properly. This turns out to be a limited set of tests, especially if you follow the implementation above.
Integration tests is another story. Validating that queries and communication with the database acts as expected is extremely important. How to be effective in testing against a store is another subject which we won’t be covering here.
Making repositories available for unit testing to other parts of the system is fairly simple. As long as you honor the boundary mentioned earlier and only return well known interfaces or entities (like the IEnumerable
ProductListRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock>(); ProductListRepository.Expect( repository => repository.Matching(new RuleFilter("PR1")) .Return(productListRules);
In summary
The repository pattern in conjunction with others is a powerful tool that lowers friction in development. Used correctly, and honoring the pattern definitions, you gain a lot of flexibility even when you have testing in the mix.
To read more about repositories I suggest picking up a copy of [PoEAA] or [DDD].
Read more patterns explained and exemplified here
#1 by Thomas Jespersen on July 27, 2010 - 13:02
Nice. I just implemented this in EF Code Only CTP4.
I used to create one repository pr. aggregate, with a lot of query functions. Now I have a lot of reuseable specefications instead… nice.
I did use an abstract base class for my Specification/Criteria (instead of a ICriteria). By doing that I’m able to create a Generic IsSatisfiedBy that uses the exact same Linq expression:
public abstract class Specification where T : IAggregate
internal abstract IQueryable BuildQueryFrom(IQueryable queryBase);
protected bool IsSatisfiedBy(T aggregate)
IQueryable queryBase = (new List {aggregate}).AsQueryable();
return BuildQueryFrom(queryBase).Count() == 1;
: Thomas
#2 by Massimo on July 1, 2011 - 23:00
Hi, this is a very clear and pattern-adherent approach.
I’m having some indecisions about how to implement the navigation of collection properties inside an aggregate entity.
Is it possible to have a look inside the source code of your repository implementation with Linq to Sql version?
Thanks a lot.
#3 by Seb on January 30, 2012 - 11:29
Very nice explaination, but I’m confused and fail to see how to make it work with NHibernate, would you have any working example for download somewhere?
Seb :)
#4 by PK on January 31, 2012 - 23:06
Any suggestions or references where a Generic Repository implementation handles stored procedures?
I have a problem where we decided to use ObjectSet for simple queries and stored procedures for complex data operations.
#5 by Patrik Löwendahl on February 1, 2012 - 15:13
The handling of stored procs for reading would be handled by putting the setup inside the query but still return an IEnumerable.
For updating it’s a specific case and I’d probably create an overload with a storage specification.
#6 by gby on February 11, 2012 - 16:27
This looks interesting, I will try to use it. Thanks!
#7 by Roger on August 16, 2012 - 11:35
When using Query objects sent to your repository, unit testing in higher layers demands (depending on mock framework) impl of Equals/GetHashCode in your query objects. Right?
In your example…
repository => repository.Matching(new RuleFilter(“PR1″))
…assumes that “RuleFilter” QO has implemented Equals, being an another instance than the one run in production code.
#8 by Vidhya on August 17, 2012 - 04:08
Hi, I have to say great explanation.
If you do consider my request, I would also like you to write articles on following topics since i strongly feel that through understanding of following terminology will greatly improve learning experience of this pattern.
1) Lambda Expression
2) Expression
3) DataContext Class
4) IEnumerable
5) IEntity
6) IQueryable
Thank you
#9 by Patrik Löwendahl on September 9, 2012 - 12:03
Or that you just put ignore on the argument. I usuallyt tend to not have to much reliance on what arguments are sent in. In the case you are describing, it is really not valuable for the test. To know internal implementations details.
#10 by Tony Bolton on September 12, 2012 - 13:32
One of the best explanations of the repository pattern I’ve read – really good, and great examples too!
#11 by Glauco on October 4, 2012 - 12:22
Very well written and useful. Perhaps the article easier to understand I’ve found
#12 by riz on November 6, 2012 - 00:51
Sorry, I fail to see how you are passing in the Context when constructing the Repository object.
#13 by Patrik Löwendahl on November 6, 2012 - 10:28
ObjectContext Here:
public class Repository : IRepository
where T : class
protected ObjectContext Context;
protected ObjectSet QueryBase;
public Repository(ObjectContext context)
Context = context;
QueryBase = context.CreateObjectSet();
#14 by riz on November 6, 2012 - 18:46
right, but in your statements below, there’s no object context being passed:
var customers = new Repository();
var warehouses = new Repository();
#15 by riz on November 6, 2012 - 18:47
sorry it took out the types along with the angle brackets when I pasted it in the comment.
#16 by Patrik Löwendahl on November 6, 2012 - 19:01
Ah yeah, well. Its not really covered in this post. But either use an IoC container or just pass the object context in the CTOR.
That code there is just mockup.
#17 by riz on November 6, 2012 - 20:29
Ah yes. I was thinking IoC eems much different in a good way from the one repository per aggregate entity method. Good work. Also, thanks very much for yas well :) Thanks. I’m just trying this out right now BTW. This sour prompt response.
#18 by riz on November 6, 2012 - 20:29
lol, that last line is supposed to say thanks for your prompt responses :)
#19 by Patrik Löwendahl on November 7, 2012 - 01:41
:) Good luck!
#20 by Hans on January 11, 2013 - 16:10
Don’t use the repository pattern, oh my god it’s a legacy anti pattern. Ayende will beat you up:
#21 by Patrik Löwendahl on January 11, 2013 - 16:18
Hans, all respect to Ayende and his work is excellent. But first of all, in his session he talks about the repository as its not supposed to be built or used. This post is on how you should do to avoid most of what he talks about.
Secondly, there is no one tool, pattern or architecture that works or do not work for every scenario.
#22 by Hans on January 12, 2013 - 05:35
The only reason why you try to avoid something is to test your Repository which he also addresses with a simpler model.
Repositories are useless wrappers. What is the definition of a Repository? What do todays ORMs? They do the same.
The time frame where this pattern came up covers exactly with the appearance of powerful ORMs like Hibernate. Nobody needs Repositories except you’re writing directly against the database.
#23 by Rich on January 12, 2013 - 20:51
So, to have a common Repository interface because some of your data is in NoSQL and some is in a database is useless? What about in a brownfield application where you want to abstract out all sorts of different data access methods and wrap around existing implementation so you can gradually swap out custom SQL or stored procs with ORMs? What about adapters to Repositories, like a CachingRepository that can wrap around another repository. Most people don’t get to write code in a perfect scenario where every line of code looks exactly how it would if that person had written it.
#24 by Patrik Löwendahl on January 13, 2013 - 19:05
Hans, It seems we have different understandings about what the repository is and solves. If you where talking about DAL (that seems to be the common perception of what a repository do, and Ayendes arguments are really directed towards that, not the real repository pattern).
Neither NHibernate nor EF can be as good in encapsulating and ensuring Open/Closed and DRY as the Repository can. Rich mentions caching and brownfield. I’d like to add named quereies (that the specifications are), plumbing (like errorhandling / logging) and life time management. Just to add a few.
Not all solutions benefit from this, just like not all solutions benefit from having a nosql database with the queries specified in the UI/Service operations (like ayende suggests).
In the cases where you do want to abide to open/closed, dry and ensure you have easy to read and understand concepts in your code. The (real) repository pattern is a tool for that and will most probably continue to be so as long as we do data access.
#25 by Brett Jackson on January 18, 2013 - 04:19
I would like to see a sample project of this setup. I am especially curious on how you created this.
var premiumCustomers = customers.Matching(
new PremiumCustomersFilter(),
new FromCountry(“SE”)